Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Zen to Done

I stumbled across a great website while going in for my regular dosage of time waster, i.e., net surfing :). Zen Habits is the number one blog post followed regularly by 2,00,000 eyeballs. My initial reaction was that it might just be another gimmicking site. However, when I went through some of the post. I started liking it. Its appeal lies in its simplicity and that simplicity is really a powerful force which makes it the most talked about blog post.

I think it is the 3"S"es which work to its advantage: 
1. Simple
2. Sincere
3. Specific

I think, in his unconscious terrain, Leo Babauta who owns this blog post, sticks to these 3"S"es. The posts relate to the problems faced by ordinary folks and one can instantly connect to them. 

My best pick however is a collection of his posts compiled into an e-book named Zen To Done (ZTD). This helps a reader out in getting the most and best from him in terms of productivity. He has taken some of the elements from David Allen's GTD (Getting Things Done). 

So, here I am! Taking a cue from ZTD, I am trying to change two habits at a time and have put a 30-days trial for the same. 
1. No tea/coffee
2. Waking up early morning 5:00 
3. Be Regular with my jogging & small work-out.

I have started it today. I would keep track of the progress and see how I am fairing onto it. Would keep it posted for sure :)

Alok Jha

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