Monday, January 07, 2008


I am very happy today :-) . This is because of two reasons.

The first one is, for long I wanted to have a calendar widget on my blog for managing my archives (although the # of entries hardly warrant that ;-). Still, I wanted to have this nifty feature on my blog. But I was not able to figure out as to how to do it, as I am a complete dummy as far as coding and related stuff are concerned. I started to have the feeling that this might be workable only in my dreams. But some good samaritan bloggers took great care to figure out as to how to do it and left the code which can achieve the same alongwith necessary customisations thrown in. Hats off folks!! It is because of you ppl only that I could kind of achieve my dream in the blogosphere.

So, now my blog boasts of a very nice calendar widget courtesy those good souls. One can look at specific posts, the date on which it was done and so on and so forth.

If anyone is interested in fixing this nice feature onto their blogs please do follow the link and instructions given their in. Great work indeed by these guys for non-techie like us!!

And the second reason of being happy is that I have stuck to my new year resolutions for one full week and still counting....!! What they say well begun is half done. So, kind of becoming hopeful of fulfilling the new year resolutions!!

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